Supervision Enquiries
The School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies offers clear and practical advice about what a doctoral research project involves and how to begin a proposal. Please read the guidance notes first.
The AWP will continually grow and nurture its community of specialist researchers and welcomes enquiries that involve conventional scholarly or practice-led methods, from researchers around the world, with an interest in part-time or full-time study.
In the last REF 2014, the impact of research done at FAHACS was all deemed to be 3* and 4*, as was the research environment created within the School.
If the PhD project you would like to develop aligns with the special interests of one of the AWP team in particular, please email them directly and cc the Faculty Graduate School Manager (
If you would like to develop a PhD application that you feel aligns with the AWP's specialist area but are unsure who the most appropriate supervisor might be, please email Nick Thurston ( and cc the Faculty Graduate School Manager (
If you would like to develop a post-doctoral research or Visiting Research Associate application, please email Nick Thurston ( and cc the School's Research Support Administrator, Laura Jarvis King (